Monday, June 22, 2009

The Weekend

This weekend was an unusually busy weekend. My girls were flower girls in a good friend of mine daughter's wedding:

They thought their corsage's were beautiful.

Now if only they looked and acted so angelic all the time.

It was a fabulous wedding. Beautiful bride, good Southern food, a juke box, good sweltering Southern heat (like 100 degrees), and good cake. Nobody even noticed that before the wedding the cake topper toppled and the groom's head fell off. Somebody had to go buy a new cake topper. It was still a beautiful and delicous cake!

Beautiful cake.

I didn't do it! But I was the tacky guest who took a picture of the cake injury.

Every wedding needs a small mishap. My wedding mishap was that I was a half hour late arriving because I couldn't find the temple. I forgot to think to get directions. Apparently my brain was long gone before I even had kids.

My husband didn't catch the bouquet, but Emily did. I nudged her up to the small crowd of single women. I didn't actually expect her to catch it, she did a good catch. I better get ready to plan a wedding

After the wedding I procrastinated a bit before I prepared my church talk.

Sunday morning we made Daddy breakfast in bed - grits, toasted waffles, sliced banana and strawberries, and orange juice. I would post a picture, but I don't have one. I was afraid it would get me in trouble if I took a picture of my husband in bed a 7:15 in the morning.

Sunday afternoon we celebrated David's 9th Father's Day! He played Risk with the kids while I napped on the couch after an exhausting weekend.

Now it's Monday night. We had our Family Home Evening. I blogged. Now I need to go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. The girls do look beautiful in their pretty white dresses.
