Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I have a headache. We had a Linger Longer at church today. I made the mistake of eating ranch dressing with baby carrots. I am super sensitive to MSG and I think the ranch dressing most likely had it in it. I have a hard time shaking off a MSG headache. It's really too bad because I really love ranch dressing.
Other than that, it was an uneventful day. Rachel had a difficult time during Sacarament meeting this morning. She is super possesive of my lap. Jason wanted to sit on my lap and I let him. Rachel screamed and cried. My husband took her out and when he came back after she calmed down, he forced her to stay on his lap. She wasn't happy about it and would look at me and whimper. It kind of broke my heart, but it was nice to get a break from her.
Now my husband is eating his stingray. I took one bite. It's actually not that bad.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Later in the evening, after dinner, my husband took the kids out for a walk and before they left Wendy rubbed my arm and said to me, "Mommy, after we leave get yourself a piece of candy to help make you feel better."
I think one of the reasons that my kids were so good to me was because I rewarded them with Lifesavers all day.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The whole potty training thing began last week. I was upstairs taking a parenting escape break in my bedroom. I heard squealing downstairs. I was afraid to find out the cause. Then I heard someone say, "Let's tell Mommy!" It sounded positive, so I waited for them to come find me. Finally Sarah came into my bedroom and said, "Mommy, Jason went pee pee on the potty!" Apparently his older siblings took on the responsiblity of potty training their little brother. It was quite an exciting moment. Since that day, he's done fairly well. One puddle on the carpet, but the rest of the #1's and #2's have been in the little potty as long as he's not wearing anything waist down. Once he gets on underwear, he thinks it's his catcher's mitt for excrement. So we will be working on that the next few days - on keeping his underwear dry and clean.
I know. Not that exciting. But such is my life right now.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Little More Vacation
Then I was so happy to find another one of these powerful hand air dryers. We stopped at a way cool rest area in New York a couple days earlier that had automatic flushing toilets, automatic soap dispensers, automatic faucets, and automatic paper towel dispensers or the option to use a super powerful hand air dryer. I was so wishing I had my video camera at that bathroom because the automaticness and power were so cool. I fortunately had my camera in my pocket at this restroom in Virginia. It almost seeems dangerously powerful. If you watch closely you can see our skin moving around.
Then we arrived home in good time after stopping for some pizza.
The End
Friday, September 18, 2009
Still Scanning

That's right. We are potty training a green-eared monkey boy on a giant toilet.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Cashing in.
So thanks, Mom and Dad! We finally got our scanner! And a 1200 dpi printer!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Melt My Heart
Such wisdom at such a young age!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Barnyard Adventure
Even 90 year old Nani went and sat in the shade with her real sunglasses. She refrained from the Jumping Pillow.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Out of Sight
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Kirtland, Ohio Post
We also had Stake Conference today which means the various congregations from around the city all meet together for 2 hours at the Stake Center. The Stake President told us how he recently visited Kirtland, Ohio. It was cool because we, like, totally knew what he was talking about when he referred to the temple and stuff.
This is the Kirtland Temple. It was the first temple built by the Saints. It took them two years and a lot of sacrifice to build. (It is now owned by the Community of Christ which is the RLDS church). Shortly after the temple opened (about 2 years), the Saints moved westward in 1838 to get away from the persecution. Total bummer, but the temple served its purpose and the Saints moved on and built more temples.
This is the front of it. The tour guide told us to be reverent inside, but didn't say anything about reverence outside. We let the kids run around before we went back to the LDS Visitor's Center. It was pretty cool inside. There are 3 floors. The bottom floor is the holy of holies. The second floor looked similar to the first floor, but it was used more for schooling. The third floor was 5 rooms used for schooling and meetings. And I was totally going to find a link for you to see the inside since we couldn't take pictures, but there isn't ANY! Which is weird because they totally had pictures of the inside on the brochure. So I guess you will just have to visit it yourself.
It was a great little sightseeing trip. I think the thing that hit me the most was that these people had nice houses for the time period and they were asked to leave everything and travel onward. That must have been a huge deal and they did it anyway. All I have to do is go to church and teach a lesson every now and then. I can deal.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Nani's Birthday Party
Here's a 10 second video clip of the end of the Happy Birthday song.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am your travel guide to Western New York
There's more, but I won't bore you and will let you see for yourself when you visit.
Thanks goes out to my cousin-in-law, Carla, for recommending this educational activity! (She's a first grade teacher.)