Sunday, August 30, 2009
Vacation Day 5
1. The ward we attended LOVES announcements. They announced EVERY activity for the entire month of September and there were a lot of them.
2. The opening hymn was #242 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow which is only one short verse. I think they have to have a short opening hymn to compensate for the 10 minutes of announcements.
3. Grey is the preferred choice of suit color. Of course there were some blues and blacks, but there was a lot of grey. I think the men like to try to match their suits to to the color of the clouds in the sky. (Rochester is commonly cloudy.)
4. This church building needs some new plumbing for their baptismal font. One guy mentioned that it takes 6-7 hours to fill the font. So either the font is enormous, the faucet is ridiculously slow, or they fill it by hand with a turkey baster. Needless to say they probably never have any morning baptisms.
5. Most of the people in this ward were converts. Which makes sense because the Latter-day Saints packed their bags and wheat and left Western New York heading westward about 180 years ago.
6. One man after church asked if he could take Jason home with him. Jason looked at the man like he was crazy. Then the man proceeded to ask the rest of the children if he could take them home. Wendy forcefully said no with a smile, but when he asked Wendy if he could take Emily home, Wendy nodded yes. (She didn't care, as long as it wasn't her.) Then the man said he had 12 children, but it made me kind of wonder how he got those children. Did he get them by taking them home from church?
7. The diaper changing station was installed too high. It must have been installed by a tall man.
Now we must take a moment of silence.............................
IS GONE!!! It brings a tear to my eye that a Honda dealership would dare tear this beautiful structure down in order to park a few Civics and Accords. It is positively shameful!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Vacation Day 3
Vacation Day 2
We reached our destination of Rochester, NY today. I totally did not know that Kirtland, Ohio was on our route so we stopped and toured the Whitney store and home and saw some cool stuff that I will post later. It was also a nice bathroom stop at the LDS visitor center where I didn't even bother to worry about toilet seat covers. We also got to tour the Kirtland Temple which happens to be owned by the RLDS church. But they call themselves the Community of Christ so it's kind of tricky. I didn't realize that it was he Reorganized church until about halfway through the movie that they were showing us. We got to go inside the temple. I wasn't allowed to take pictures though. At the visitors center they had some paintings of church leaders. They are of real church leaders such as Joseph Smith, Sydney Rigdon, etc. But they reminded me of the paintings that you would see in Disney's Haunted mansion. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of those either which is too bad.
Gosh I wish I could post some pictures, but I really need to go to sleep.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Vacation Day 1
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Holy Cow!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Digging for Content
I took this video when we were at the really cool park with the boat. I know Jason has his fans. This one is for you, folks.
Brief Synopsis: Jason eats a cupcake. He prematurely finishes the cupcake because he doesn't like messy hands and he looks for a wipe. He refuses the dirty used paper towel I offer. He wants to "wash the hands" but quickly finds that licking does a satisfactory job. At the end he burps, but mistakes it for a fart and my husband complains in the background that I'm taking too long of a video of Jason. (Because he wanted me to take a picture of him with his girls sitting on the grass.)
Here's the picture I took when I finished the video:
Don't you agree the video was much cuter?
Back to packing.....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A friend of mine took a picture of my husband and I in today in Sunday School and I had this surprise picture in my email when I got home.

It was during the second speaker that I found Jason coloring with a pink colored pencil on the pages of the hymn book. Not inside the hymn book, but on the edges of the closed book. I VERY kindly said, "No. No. We don't color on hymn books." He puckered his bottom lip and silently wimpered. I guess I hurt his feelings. I held out my arms to him with a smile inviting him to sit on my lap. My children usually never pass up a lap invitation because there is usually competition for church lap sitting. I was trying to set a good example and keep my eyes on the speaker and I heard and felt a huge slap on my arm. Although my child just hit me, I didn't want to make a big deal of it, so I used the ignore method and watched Jason out of my periphereal vision crumple and throw papers. However, when he got to the point of throwing hymn books I knew I needed to put a stop to it. At this point Rachel was sitting on my lap and my husband had Wendy on his lap and he was listening intently to the speaker give a good talk. I tried to get his attention before the commotion escalated. Somehow the communication failed. He saw me, but didn't understand the severity of the discipline needed. I knew Rachel would freak out if I left her, so I picked Jason up in one arm and Rachel in the other and walked to the exit carrying the 55 pound load and pushed the door open with my foot. I'm sure it looked very graceful. I kindly disciplined him and we went back in for the third speaker. So yes, it's nice to sit directly next to my husband every now and then in church and I have plans to purchase a few new hymn books for our ward after our children are grown.
Then we came home and Jason taught Rachel how to make scrambled eggs:
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hair Cuts
Friday, August 21, 2009
I Heart ...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Clinton!
So yes, Bill likes to play the tenor sax, he was born in 1946 in Arkansas. We learned some other things, but didn't get into the whole Monica Lewinsky thing. These kids books kind of skip over some things.
That was yesterday. Today I allowed the kids a good session of airplane rides. Today I tried a new trick. Who needs a gym when you have two 30 something pound weights to press?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Date Night
Later that day I found Rachel changing her baby doll's diaper:
None of my other girls have ever been that interested in baby dolls. However Rachel is beginning to express some interest. It makes sense. By 18 months of age, the other girls had their own real live baby doll to love. Rachel doesn't know about real babies yet. She has to settle for plastic. Oh, and the green marker on her is compliments of Jason. We were using some new dry erase books to learn letters and numbers. Jason thought he would try the whole dry erase thing on his sister. It didn't erase as easily as it did on the laminated pages of the book.
And if you're wondering if I ever dress this child, because she is unclothed in the majority of pictures and videos I post, it's a totally valid question. Let me explain. In the spring I filled her drawers with the spring/summer 12 month wardrobe. Now that her pot belly hangs out of most of her clothes, I really need to move her up to the 18 month wardrobe. I believe the bin of 18 month girl's clothes is in the attic. Everyday I say I am going to go up there and look for it, but I don't because it is surely like 100 and something degrees up there. So I keep her naked. It's very much the same reason that Jason is still wearing 18 month and 2T clothing when he should be wearing 3T. However his clothes are in an upstairs closet that is blocked by some of my husband's stuff. We're taking a little trip next week, so I should have them out by then. I can't be vacationing with a naked baby. ......Or can I?
Every Tuesday my husband takes a child of ours on a date. Tonight was Rachel's turn. He took her to get a cookie and to Barnes and Noble. He took her in the smaller car, a car she has never been in. He said she looked a little unsure about the whole situation. Kind of like when you put your pet into the car to take it to the vet. They just know that something is up and get all nervous. She didn't want to eat the cookie. She probably thought it was poisoned or a trick. She's seen Snow White. My husband said it seemed like she felt a little lost without her siblings. It was too quiet and tranquil. She began to warm up to the situation at Barnes and Noble and my husband just let her walk around and he followed her. She even let a little girl read her a book. That must have made her feel at home. She probably thought it was one of her siblings.
Monday, August 17, 2009
U.S. Presidents
How cool is that? I totally did not know that!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday School
Today the lesson was on Eternal Marriage. We talked about what it felt like to know that we would be married to our spouse forever. My husband raised his hand. He most always has relevant comments to add to the discussion. So I sat there next to him, anxious to hear what he had to say about being married to me forever. He said, "When you know you are with this person (your spouse) for eternity and can see the big picture, it helps you to better put up with them in this life." The teacher saw my raised brow and he smiled, and then my husband realized he kind of sort of put his foot in his mouth until the man in front of said, "Yes, I'm sure your wife feels exactly that way."
I really need to get me a ticket back to that hall class.
Every week after church we cook breakfast for lunch - scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and toast. While my husband and I prepare it, the children help clear and set the table and then they do their own thing while they patiently wait for the food. Today it was this:
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Library and Walmart
Then I needed to go to Walmart to pick up a few groceries, like 4 gallons of milk, 5 lbs. of bananas, 2 lbs. of strawberries, crackers, pretzels, animal crackers, Parkay Spray Butter, and chocolate chips. It was dinnertime by the time we arrived. We decided to eat some McDonald's because Super Walmart is absolutely and totally One Stop Shopping.
One of the things I love about blogging is that you can share the most intimate details about your life. It's like virtual voyeurism. I am my own paparazzo. It still surprises me that people are actually interested in my life. So I thought I would get a little more intimate this evening and tell you what we ate (This could possibly be even hotter than my laundry post):
Total order:
Quarter Pounder Combo Large with Diet Coke and a splash of Dr. Pepper - Daddy
2 Cheeseburgers -Mommy (and I shared husband's fries and drink)
1 Hamburger - Emily
1 10 piece McNugget Combo Large with Sprite and Orange drink refill - Bradley and Jason
1 Large Fries - Kids
1 10 piece McNuggets, Sweet and Sour sauce - Sarah and Wendy
(All kids share one large drink)
TOTAL = $21.82 (or something like that)
David had a phone interview this afternoon. We were celebrating by dining out. When he actually gets a job or a paycheck, we'll throw in 8 ice cream cones too!! Woo hoo! Party hard at Walmart McDonald's!
Sometimes there are moments in parenthood that you just have to pretend didn't happen or choose to forget. Like this evening as we were leaving McDonald's and I filled the kid's cup up with orange soda. David was getting the shopping cart and I turned around to call for Jason and found him eating the French fries that Wendy dropped on the floor. I forget sometimes that children need to be trained in certain things. It's not innate common sense to not eat food off the floor at McDonald's. Kids are so gross sometimes. I held in my gag reflex and kindly told him, "Eww. Eww. Eww. Yucky! We don't eat food off the floor, especially at McDonald's." But he gave me that little innocent confused look that implied he was thinking, "But they are so yummy. Why would we want to waste them?"
As we were in line waiting to check out I admired the 20 something newlywed couple in front of us. I admired her perfect haircut, her sparkly new wedding ring, her face full of collagen, her beautiful tan. She most likely didn't have a single stretchmark on her body. **sigh** I noticed they only had to buy a half gallon of milk, one box of granola bars and other small quantities of food and had enough money to blow on a big box of Milk Duds. Then I remembered I have this:
I wouldn't trade them for anything. Not even bigger, perkier breasts.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Blogging Blues
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Never tell a girl...
Afraid that Bradley might think he was serious, my husband quickly let Bradley know that you NEVER tell a girl she looks fat. I know my kids listen to us because today Wendy told me that when she grows up she's going to get married and then have babies. She clearly demonstrated that she understood the correct order of things.
Monday, August 10, 2009
More Sleep Eating
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Picnic at the Park
Saturday, August 08, 2009
The Heartbreaker
Friday, August 07, 2009
Tupperware Cabinet and Dinner Out
Then my husband's mother took us out to dinner to my favorite restaurant. I ate a 7 oz. filet mignon, sweet potato, and caesar salad. As the hostess took us to our table, my husband observed the couple's faces at a neighboring table. He could tell they didn't look too happy to have six young children seated next to them. But as the couple was leaving they made a very nice comment to us about how well behaved our children were. They told us they were better behaved than their own grandchildren. We thanked them and patted ourselves on our backs. We've had people comment before on how well behaved our children are. But it totally makes me question what they are expecting when they see six children sit down at a restaurant table. Do they expect them to be running around and screaming? Whining? Blowing spit wads through straws at the ceiling? Dancing on the table? Is it that surprising that all they do is sit in their chairs, sip their lemonade, and color with crayons on their kid's menu? I'll admit it surprises me after seeing how they act at home. I did take note they did not comment on my kids being cute.
It was stampeded in a matter of minutes:
Then we went to the airport to pick up my husband's dad, the Senior Citizen Manscout:
Yeah, it's a long story...