This morning Rachel came downstairs before me and I found her like this:
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunglasses, Bunny Slipper, and Golden Book
This morning Rachel came downstairs before me and I found her like this:
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Typical Thursday
And the really good news is that we get to go out again tomorrow night. Woo hoo! Go mother-in-laws!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Jason and the Ballpoint Pen
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
A New Canvas
Jason tried a new canvas for his crayon drawing today. I think I should maybe hide our Harold and the Purple Crayon book until Jason gets a little bit older.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Arachnid Saturday ** Movie Spoiler**
Now it's midnight and I should go to bed. I'm teaching the lesson in Relief Society at church tomorrow because the teacher totally bailed. Ha! I'm totally cool with it though because she is one of my loyal blog fans and she's totally excused because she is attending a funeral. The lesson is on adversity using this article. That's a piece of cake topic! I'm sure all I will have to do is say, "Who here has experienced adversity?" And then 18 hands will fly up and we will chit chat away about all of our problems and how we deal with them from a spirtual perspective. It's like an hour of free therapy.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Twins and more toilet problems.
...Sarah asked, "Mommy, is that Wendy or me?"
So to all of you who have a difficult time telling Sarah and Wendy apart because of their similar stature and hair color, don't worry because even they can't tell themselves apart.
It's easy for us to differentiate them at home. All you have to do is listen to their voices. Sarah has the deep, raspy voice that I always wanted and Wendy has the high pitched munchkin voice that I still have.
Other news on the home front:
Wendy got Crayola Washable Markers for her birthday. I was stoked that they were washable because Crayola has "washability you can trust" so I let Jason in on the fun.
Well....Crayola should say, "Washablity you can trust if you read the fine print." The fine print says, "Keep away from wallpaper, painted walls, finished and unfinished wood, vinyl, carpeting and other materials that cannot be laundered." **SIGH** As if you have time to read fine print when you have kids. The marker did NOT come off the toilet seat. Apparently it only washes off from skin and most washable children's clothing.
So today I switched the downstairs toilet seat with the upstairs one to keep our guest bathroom presentable. I think life might be easier if we just dwelled in a tent. Or is it dwelt in a tent?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Good News!
I went to Lowes tonight to get me a 3 ft. snake. As I predicted, we did not need the 15 ft. one that attaches to an electrice drill. It was just toilet paper. I'm happy now. I could start a plumbing business unclogging neighbor's toilets for $80 a pop. Athough that would probably be a pretty crappy job.
Of course along the way I stopped to Target to return my new dresses that looked like nightgowns. Then I stopped to Kohl's to return the load of work clothes that I bought my husband a month ago for his new temp job that never turned permanent, and then I spent the rest of my birthday money on clearance clothes for me.
It was a good night. Fixed toilet, new clothes and John Tesh and I had a little bonding time in the car ride. Ug, but now my kitchen is still a mess. I can only do so much in one day. That will have to wait until tomorrow.
The other night I went to check on the children and I found this:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Little Pony and Rainbows
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Poopy Day
Later this afternoon, the toilet overflowed. Thankfully it was just toilet paper. I guess all this potty training has made Jason curious and he unrolled nearly an entire roll of toilet paper and flushed it. And flushed it again. Each time filling the toilet with 1.5 gallons of water until the bowl couldn't hold anymore and it spilled over making a lake onto the wood floor. It took several bath towels to soak up and I still couldn't plunge it. I hope it's just toilet paper. Who knows? It could've been a matchbox car, plastic corn on the cob, or a Kelly Doll. There were no eyewitnesses and Jason answered "yes" to everything I asked him. I think it's going to need a snake unless the toilet paper, matchbox car, corn cob, or Kelly Doll dissolves overnight.
Later this evening Wendy was randomly saying obnoxious things like, "Poopy on Sarah. Poopy on Emily," etc. Emily is pretty good at ignoring the childish nonsense, but Sarah was having a difficult time with the vulgarity. I was half paying attention while I was checking my emails and Facebook. Then I heard Sarah go ballistic with screaming and tears. I asked Sarah, "What in the world are you mad about?" Sarah replied, "Wendy said, 'Poopy on Camden.' Those are my FRIENDS she's pooping on!" (Camden is a girl in Sarah's primary class.) I couldn't help crack up at the fervor of her defensiveness. I told her it made me happy that she was such a loyal friend and told her to just ignore her younger sister.
And then I had this happen:
I also overheard Sarah get mad at Wendy tonight for telling Emily that Sarah doesn't like chocolate chips. Sarah shouted, "WEN-DEE!! It's supposed to be a secret!" I turned my head at that one and said, "Sarah, you don't like chocolate chips?!" She replied with a slow shameful shake of her head. Yeah, she better be ashamed!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunflowers and Cookies
Emily made cookies all by herself today with her sibling helpers. She made Chocolate Chip Cinnamon Crinkle cookies. I helped her with taking them out of the oven and transerring them to the wire rack. We gave 3 to the next door neighbor, but I didn't have the courage to give them to the other neighbor yet. Maybe tomorrow. I love having a competent 8 year old resident baker! However, I think I need to invent a mixer with 6 beaters so each child can have one. Too much arguing over who gets to lick them!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunburns and Cookies
My bad mood could also be due to the fact that my Aunt Flo is visiting. She is never fun.
Anyway.... I've decided to have cookie science this week. Cookies are more fun that cakes. We also had a lesson on charity at church today. I think we might bake some cookies and bring them to neighbors. I have this one neighbor lady who lives by herself. I've tried being friendly to her, but she is a tough person to read and I've had a difficult time trying to get to know her. I hope she likes cookies.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Beach Day
Friday, July 17, 2009
6 Little Monkeys Sitting in the Crib
On the employment front, my husband's temp job ended two weeks ago. We thought it might become permanent but they said, "You finished everything we needed you to do." So, yay! We are on to new and brighter things. It kind of makes you wonder what kind of company still has their employees using 50 lb CRT monitors. If they weren't willing to upgrade computer monitors, it probably wasn't likely there were going to upgrade my husband's pay. My husband had 2 encouraging interviews this week. We hope something might come from them. Let's cross our fingers and say a prayer. Talk about a trial to teach a person/family patience! I think I'm going to be an expert on the subject in not that long.
I wasn't so blah today. Thank goodness!
And now as I was just about to click "Publish Post" my husband brings this downstairs:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I also received a package in the mail from Target. I got some birthday money from my parents that I was instructed to spend only on myself. I obeyed and bought $50 worth of clothing from Target which also got me free shipping. I bought 2 cute dresses (same dress just different colors), a white shirt in 2 different sizes, and a pink shirt. It's been a while since I've worn a dress. I'm usually a shirt and skirt person. But when I tried it on and was trying to decide if I liked it, Wendy came walking in the room and said, "Mommy, is that your nightgown?" I think I'll be taking those back. Aww, that's too bad. I might just go to the store and look at the clothes racks. It's too hard to shop online. The online images with models with tall bodies and big boobs isn't realistic.
I think I might actually go to bed early tonight. I know my kids aren't going to forget that it's waffle Friday tomorrow and I need to get enough rest to be in the mood to make them.
No pictures today. Sorry. I did take a picture of two lizards, but I might have to up my blog rating to PG-13 if I post it. It was a good picture though. Poor lizards. They get no privacy.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Just another day
I took no pictures today. My visitors left. I ate a half price Sonic Burger for dinner and my awesome husband also brought me home an ice cream sundae. That's about it. Oh, and I also got unfriended again on Facebook.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Soak and Slide
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Typical Sunday
Today was a day of rest. We went to church. Wendy slept through primary, I think because she has gone to bed late for the past 3 nights. Her teacher thought she was ill, but I assured her that she wasn't.
We came home, ate lunch, took naps, ate dinner, played a game, and now the kids are in bed. I wish I had something more exciting to blog, but I don't.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Nine Kids
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Beach
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Robbing the Cradle
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Catching Up
Rest. It was fast and testimony meeting at church. Since Wendy is a big 4 year old she wanted to bear her testimony at church. I rolled my eyes as she walked up to the stand with Emily and Sarah. I knew she would freeze and cause an awkward silence and I would look like the foolish parent that allowed her to go up there unassisted by an adult. I was right. She did freeze. Emily and Sarah looked at each other and made visual conversation. Finally Sarah got out of her seat and whispered some simple words into Wendy's ear to repeat. Thank goodness for a five year old to the rescue!
I've declared Tuesday as clean the kitchen floor day. I've concluded that I'm in a bad mood when my kitchen floors are dirty. We have a method and each kid gets a rag and we scrub away. I just love a clean floor. Meanwhile, of course, Jason was walking around without a diaper because I am half attempting at potty training and he somehow got himself on the playroom table and pooped and used half a roll of toilet paper trying to wipe himself. Two year olds are so disgusting. Thankfully Rachel didn't get involved in the ordeal.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
My husband was taking a class tonight, so after we folded laundry and were waiting for him to come home, I let the kids draw pictures with the markers that Wendy got for her birthday. Emily drew this:
Last night when we were getting the cake ready for Wendy's birthday Emily was on a desperate search for paper plates. I said to her, "Emily, if we didn't have paper plates last night, and I haven't been to the store, how would we have paper plates tonight?" She agreed with the logic, but was still desperate to find some. At first I thought she wanted to make it a little more festive, but then I realized that she was afraid she was going to have to wash dishes again after cake. I assured her that I would wash the dishes and that she only washed them the night before because it was MY birthday. She was extremely relieved and immediately settled for the plastic plates.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday, Wendy!