Someone recently asked me if they could download my brain in hopes of gaining a positive disposition. Although I was flattered, I feel like a con because I certainly do have my moments when I think life is kind of crappy. I try to keep those moments short though, because what's the point in dwelling on it? Anyway, here is a thought:
Life can throw us some unwanted conflict at times. It may come as a painful zit in the ear, unemployment, a leaky sink, car trouble, a decreasing bank account, uncooked ditalini scattered throughtout the house, faulty smoke detectors that go off in the middle of the night, or a cockroach in your bedroom. Sometimes life might even throw illness, death of a loved one, natural disaster, foreclosure, or loss of internet connection. Whatever trials we might face, it's comforting to know we have a Heavenly Father and a Savior, Jesus Christ, who love us dearly. It's comforting to know that we can pray at any time to a Father who is willing to send us comfort through the Holy Spirit. It doesn't matter how trivial the matter might seem, he still listens. It's comforting to know that although we might lack the ability to control the ills we must face, we have the ability to control our reaction to them.
Employers might eliminate jobs, natural disaster might destroy homes, illness might limit functionality, children might rob us of sanity, but NOBODY can take away the promise of eternal life from us but ourselves. We can live everyday with a spirit of hope, knowing we have a wonderful eternal life that lies ahead of us. It's going to be awesome guys! I'm telling you. So take the turmoil in stride. Live life in righteousness. Enjoy everyday even if you have a sinking pit in your stomach from whatever trial you are facing. Reach out beyond yourself and serve others. Take a moment on your way to bed to gaze at your sleeping children, give your spouse a special kiss, enjoy the beauty in nature. Realize that this life is good and the next is going to be so much better. Now
that is worth living for! It puts a smile on my face and a tear of joy in my eye.
Now you might be saying, "Much easier said than done." So, let me ask you this - Have you ever envied the lives of children?
I have. Even though I had a great childhood, I still envy the fact that my children are children and basically have no major responsibilites. Meals are cooked for them, they don't have a clue what a mortgage is, and all they have to do is eat, play, learn, and a little bit of cleaning while Mommy and Daddy do all the hard stuff. As adults, I think we sometimes forget that we are actually still children as well. We are children of a loving Heavenly Father. It might do us some good at times to act like little children - good little children, of course. It might benefit us to take a moment from our busy day to dip some graham crackers in milk, do an easy puzzle, take a bubble bath, read a simple book, watch a silly televison show, undress all the Barbies, or not let a messy house bother us. I know it will benefit us to snuggle up to our Father through prayer and tell Him what's on our mind, express gratitude and ask for help. I've tried it and it works. He's a good listener and reliable at following up.
When we remember our role as "grown up children," it helps to put things in perspective. We're not here to live life on our own. Although our Father in Heaven can't cook our meals for us, He can lead us, guide us, and walk beside us throughtout this mortal journey as we work to
lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven. That is comforting. It is these thoughts that help me stay positive and put a smile on my face.
Tonight I took a moment to gaze at this little treasure of mine.
I wonder if he is still going to have crazy hair in eternity?