Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Featuring my kid with the fuzzy head
"boken" (broken)
"ess" (this is for mess, dress, and yes)
"get out" (usually said when he climbs out of his crib.)
"boop" (poop)
"ay-yah" (Sarah)
"Da-yee" (Daddy)
"Ray-shel" (Rachel)
"oy" (toy)
"em-ade" (lemonade)
"iw-wo" (pajama. He confuses pajamas for pillows.)
"etzel" (cracker. A little confusion there too.)
"ookie" (cookie)
"Ank oo, Mommy." (Thank you, Mommy.)
"et" (wet)
"ga gone" (all gone)
"hee-yo" (here you go)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Answers to Questions
Townhouse or Ritz? My kids refuse to eat oval crackers, so it's Ritz all the way in this house.
(Diet) Coke or (Diet) Pepsi? Definitely prefer Diet Coke, but I buy whatever is on sale. However, I will not settle for store brand cola. It just doesn't cut it.
Sprite or 7UP? Hmm. I think Sprite tastes like soap sometimes. But Sprite definitely seems to be more popular and because of that I give into the peer pressure.
McDonalds or Burger King? My husband won't allow the family to dine at McDonalds because he used to work there (a loooong time ago) and knows too much. We actually prefer Wendy's because 1) we have a daughter named Wendy and Dave Thomas's daughter's actual name is Melinda and, 2) who can refuse a square burger?
Green grapes or red grapes? Red. They have more snap in the skin.
Del Monte or Green Giant? What ever is on sale. Del Monte seems to have more variety of vegetables.
Progresso or Chunky Beef? I think I prefer Chunky Beef because although the two brands contain pretty much the same amount, the Chunky Beef appears to have more because the can is taller thus giving the illusion of a greater value.
Lays or Ruffles? Definitely Ruffles if you are going to indulge in dip. But you can't beat baked Lays. I think I became a Lays fan about 10 or 12 years ago when the whole "light" potato chip thing came out. At the time Ruffles was using Olestra to lower the fat in their product. Olestra was known to cause anal leakage, so I steered clear of Ruffles and developed a healthy fear of it.
Graco or Evenflo? Our first infant seat was Evenflo that lasted through 4 kids. We are all Graco now though - car seat, portcrib, swing, stroller. Graco even sent me a free new swing motor because mine broke after one child. Go Graco!
Spray N Wash or Shout? I am aware of Zout. My mother-in-law introduced it to me after Emily's first blow out, but I can't always seem to find it in the stores. I bought several Spray N Washes on Sale about a year ago that I still have to get through. I also have a bottle of Shout. I'm not too loyal when it comes to stain removers.
Crayola or Rose Art? How does Rose Art even stay in business?
Plain or peanut? Plain. I like unobstructed chocolate.
Milk chocolate or Special Dark? Special Dark all the way!
People or US? People. I think it has higher quality celebrity gossip.
CNN or FOX? FOX. I like Shepard Smith.
Soup or salad? Salad with sesame ginger dressing.
Mmm. Now I'm hungry. I'm going to go grab some Special Dark from the cupboard.
If you missed the General Relief Society broadcast last night, you can watch it at http://byu.tv/ and click on LDS Church Broadcasts.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Creativity and Compassion Rule the World
Well, I probably won't wear the cape while I deliver cookies, but I do strive to accomplish both things. Perhaps I'll wear the cape next time I teach at church.
So that was probably the best part about today. The next best thing was the fact that Playtex has changed what used to be a white gentle glide tampon applicator to a pink gentle glide applicator. How awesome is that? Gosh! I haven't bought tampons in like 18 months. The advances they have made! They are so pretty. It's like a little intimate piece of bubble gum. So, I love Playtex! Which brings me to ask:
Playtex or Tampax?
Townhouse or Ritz?
(Diet) Coke or (Diet) Pepsi?
Sprite or 7UP?
McDonalds or Burger King?
Green grapes or red grapes?
Del Monte or Green Giant?
Progresso or Chunky Beef?
Lays or Ruffles?
Graco or Evenflo?
Spray N Wash or Shout?
Crayola or Rose Art?
Plain or peanut?
Milk chocolate or Special Dark?
People or US?
Soup or salad?
Ok, now I'm just wasting time. I need to go be creative and create some dreams. Good night! I'll reveal my answers another time.
Friday, September 26, 2008
I dropped the ball today
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Do me a favor, please.
So go do it.... I promise you won't be offended (can baby butts even be offending?) Anyway, go do it now.....
There. I told you it was G rated!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Photoshop Lesson 3 - Healing Brush

Monday, September 22, 2008
The Six Little Pigs
Dirty dishes spread the entire length of counter - evidence that a mother is spending her cleaning time to be with her children (or at least blogging about them.)
Muddy footprints - evidence that children are enjoying childhood, experiencing the outdoors in the mud.
Bed not made - efficient use of time. Who ever goes in the master bedroom anyway?
Piles of clothes - spend two weeks at my house and you will have piles of clothes too. Trust me.
Scattered toys - a healthy back that's been saved by a gazillion less bend overs by mother.
Empty pizza boxes - mmmm. Who dang cares? You just ate pizza!
Toothpaste on walls - in case you didn't know, toothpaste is extremely easy to remove from walls.
Crayon on walls - an innocent child seeing a blank wall as a beautiful canvas to express herself. A little gentle correction can guide her to paper.
So, yes, that article made me happy. I love my pigsty. I love evidence of happy children enjoying childhood. I actually like Brangelina. Brad is super hot (I know. I'm married, but I can say that because my husband thinks he is hot too.) Now if only Brad would quit smoking, marry Angelina, and send me some money, things would be perfect.
Who knew macaroni and cheese, milk, a plastic bowl and cup could be so entertaining?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Library Etiquette
Wait, I'll tell you one little interesting thing I saw today. We took the kids to the library and whenever we arrive, they gravitate to the computers. There's shelves and shelves of books and they aren't the least bit interested. What am I doing wrong? Anyway, there was a sign by the computers that read:
Oh, and I also saw a guy wearing a kilt at Walmart this evening. That was kind of cool. I really need to remember to bring my camera with me when I go out.
Friday, September 19, 2008
And yes, baby Rachel was in there when it fell. I picked her up to console her before taking the picture. What happened was Wendy was trying to peek at her sweet baby sister and the crib toppled over. All is well. Emily put the crib back for me.
I hear slurping. I see this:
(It's worth 37 seconds of your time. Although, I'll warn you that the last 7 seconds are rather anti climatic.)
I guess that is one way to drink water. Just so you know, my kids do have access to cups. But as you can see, they don't serve much purpose. At 23 months, Jason already knows how to get paper towels and clean up his own mess. "Uh oh, Mommy. Bill (that's toddler for spill)!" I guess the competence balances out the incompetence.

(By the way- Do you like my new Photoshop technique? I used an elliptical marquee, inversed, and lowered the output in the curves. Then I painted out my messy kitchen counters. And I bet you didn't know that cup is actually green. Are you impressed? Don't be. I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just following the step by step instructions in the "Classroom in a Book." Bear with me as I show off my new skills every now and then.)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Today we learned....
That girl has an amazing future in Graphic Arts!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Count Your Many Blessings
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I'm a Boring Person Today
My kitchen floor is clean. That's good. Both my diaper kids have diaper rash because they poop so dang much! That's a bad thing. There was a thunderstorm today. That's a good thing. We made burritos tonight and the avocado tasted nasty. That's a bad thing. Today kind of balanced itself out. Maybe tomorrow will be a totally good day.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Pop Food
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It was AWESOME! I think I added several months to my life. It has a very mellowing effect. I'll admit I was tempted to shout several times.....a day. I think I did a couple times. I'm a little confused on where to draw the line though. For example, when you see that your daughter has been peeling the white paint off of her headboard, is it ok to let out an agghhgghhh!, not at her but just in frustration? I think that's ok. You shouldn't keep energy bottled up inside or it might explode. I kindly told her to quit peeling the paint. In the big picture, a trashy looking headboard is no big deal. The pillows cover it up anyway when the bed is made, so maybe it will be incentive to encourage them to make the bed. We are going to work another week on our softer voice tones and try to get a little better at it. 21 days and it will be a habit.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Rachel's First Taste of Ice Cream
What the...? I'll take my ice cream warm, please.
Friday, September 12, 2008
So You Think You Can Dance?

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Morning Snack
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I think I'm high
I killed a roach.
Now, pass me some Cheetos.
I didn't take a single picture today. Shame on me! I was going to post a picture that I took on September 10th from either 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, or 2006 and label it "On this day in [insert year], but I didn't take any pictures on the 10th of September any of those years either. So September 10th is a pictureless day and so it shall be forever.
My kids didn't do anything blog worthy today. Boring kids! The only exciting thing we did was pick ice cubes up with a string. Try it. Put an ice cube in a cup of water. While you touch the end of the string to the floating ice cube sprinkle some salt on the ice cube where the string is touching. Then raise the ice cube out of the cup with the string. Its like magic. Actually the salt melts the cube just a little bit and then it freezes again right away which locks the string to the ice cube (like getting your tongue stuck to a pole in the winter time.) Pretty cool. Eh? I love homeschooling! Now why didn't I take a picture of that? Duh!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
"Honey, when should I do it?"
"Last minute."
"Now? Come help me."
"No. You can do it."
"44 seconds. Now?"
My heart continued to race as I watched the green bars advance across the bottom of Internet Explorer. I covered my face in anticipation. My heart beat faster. My toes curled. I couldn't handle the stress.
I read, "Congratulations! The item is yours." (or something like that)
I blink. I read, "Congratulations! The item is yours."
I get up and do the Ebay winner dance, slap David a high five, and do some more dancing.
The total adrenaline rush.
That was awesome!!
Oh yeah, I won a Lot of 24 Magic Tree House books for $21.99 in mint and near mint condition.
A Sampling of Our Day
"Mommy, we watch scary My Little Pony Movie now?" I suppose large talking pink ponies with purple manes could be considered scary.
JasonPoured himself a Hello Kitty cup of lemonade and learned a lesson about surface tension.
Didn't raise my voice all day. I get five points in Heaven.
Calmly and quietly scolded Bradley for complaining that he wanted ice cream for dessert when a chunk of cookie dough and handful of M&M Minis sat on the table in front of him. We'll put up with a picky eater, but picky about dessert is pushing the limits.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Female Anatomy 101
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Stake Conference - Well Done
Tonight David and I decided that one thing we are going to work on this week to make us better parents is not raising our voices to the kids. I don't know if every parent struggles with yelling, but sometimes we feel like drill sergeants barking orders to our army of midgets. I guess it will be classified as one of our little experiments and I will update 'yall with a conclusion at the end of the week. We made the decision while cooking lunch. As we sat down to eat, Wendy leaned over and grabbed a de-shelled hard-boiled egg from a bowl with what was probably an unwashed hand. David said in a raised tone, "Get your dirty hand out of the eggs!" I gave him a look and he corrected himself. Yay! We are recognizing, correcting, and on our way to creating a piece of Heaven on Earth. Later during the meal Wendy was making a mess by not eating over her plate. David said to her kindly, "Eat over your plate, you pig!" Next week we will work on the name calling.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Nipple Confusion
The Perfect Storm
Friday, September 05, 2008
Terrible Twos
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
The Mob Mentality
What the?
"Wendy, did you get yourself out of your crib?"
Nod. "Mommy, I needed you!"
Dang it!
Jason also learned how to unlock the front door and open it today. Crap! Why do kids have to.....have to.....have to learn!? It's not cool.
I thought I'd throw this photo in, since Rachel isn't quite a member of "the herd" yet because she can't walk. She greatly desires to be a member though. Anytime she gets ditched and left in a room all by herself, she fusses. Rachel only fusses for hunger, pain, and loneliness. Rachel normally spends her time on the family room floor. Today I placed her on the floor of the playroom while the kids played in there. She was so happy! It was a whole new world and she must have played in there for two hours straight. She discovered Barbies, blocks, scrap pieces of paper and other random things. They tasted good.
I held my baby tonight. She fell asleep like a log in my arms and I was forced to watch TV. I decided to get acquainted with the Republican nominees and watched the Republican convention with a little bit of America's Got Talent squeezed in between. I wanted to get to know Sarah Palin. I love that she looks like Tina Fey from 30 Rock. So the Republican nominees for President and Vice President have 13 kids combined. I like that!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Back in Business
I'm sure every parent can relate to getting their kid's names mixed up. For example, calling one daughter by the other daughter's name. Right? It doesn't help that Sarah and Wendy are the only two children in our family so far that are the same sex and next to each other in birth order. It also doesn't help that they look very similar. There have been numerous occasions when David and I have called to Wendy, but accidentally started saying "Sarah." Today at lunch, Wendy was so proud of her phonics and said, "Mommy! Sssssssss...wendy!" Poor Swendy!
Monday, September 01, 2008
And you thought is was over
We did not bring a DVD player on the trip. We don't own one. Instead we opted to entertain the children by having them lift their arms when driving under bridges. It lasted about 30 minutes. Not quite as long as a movie but this video sure beats a video of kids watching a movie.
We finally made it home. Yeah!
Now back to the present. We start homeschooling tomorrow. I should probably go figure out what I'm going to teach the kids. Spongebob is off duty and I'm in charge.