Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Catching up on the past week
My parents and sister arrived. Kids went crazy. We took naps. We cracked pecans. David and I spent 2 hours wrapping presents while my parents and sister watched the kids.
I am 8 weeks pregnant and noticed some bleeding. Went to the doctor and ultrasound showed a yolk sac, but no baby. It measured me at 4 weeks pregnant. Apparently the pregnancy stopped progressing which explains why I wasn't having morning sickness the past two weeks. (I thought I was going to get lucky for once and be one of those pregnant ladies that says, "I love being pregnant!") It's been my second early pregnancy loss in the past couple of months. Here are my theories:
Theory 1) Stress - either from unemployment, or the holidays, or both? Anyway, I was sad about not being pregnant anymore at first, but I am totally ok with it now because I've got six kids and this may be mother nature's way of telling me, "You've got your hands full, GIRL!" I read about a study on mice that were exposed to noise in early pregnancy. It found that high levels of noise affected their hormone balance and they were more likely to miscarry. If that is true for humans, then it looks as if six kids is our stopping point, unless my husband sends me away on a quiet vacation during the first trimester until the placenta takes over the whole hormone thing - because our house is ALWAYS noisy!
Theory 2) My husband is shooting blanks.
Theory 3) The angels in heaven can't seem to find a premortal spirit willing to volunteer to be a seventh child in our family for whatever reason. So just in case heaven reads blogs - "Don't you worry spirit babies! You're Daddy will get a job soon. I promise we can feed you. Come on babies... Come to Mommy! Don't let the noise bother you."
On the bright side, I get to spend the next 3 months as I let a couple cycles run their course to get my house in order, do a little feng shui -ing, have a yard sale, and get ready for baby #7. We are going to shoot for a December baby so we can get another tax deduction for 2009. AND if I conceive in March to produce a December baby, the Chinese lunar calendar says there's a 99% chance it will be a boy which is good because we need some more testosterone in this house. This spontaneously aborted yolk sac was scheduled to be a girl.
Later that day we baked cookies. It was a very cold day!
My brother and his family came to visit. We ate. We exchanged gifts. We went to the Festival of Lights. Talk about STRESS!!! This is an event where we kill three birds with one stone. We get to see the lights, ride the train and talk to Santa. It avoids a whole trip over to the mall across town to stand in line to talk to Santa and be pressured to buy a low quality picture for way too much money. You're allowed to take your own pictures at the Festival of Lights. I don't stress about what the kids wear because it's outdoors and it's an authentic visit for the kids to tell Santa what they want. Well, this year, we bought tickets to ride the train as soon as we arrived at the park. They give you a train time when you purchase your tickets. Ours was 9:30 PM and we were supposed to be there 10 minutes early. We went to stand in line to see Santa at 8:50 PM. The timing seemed to be perfect. But then Santa had to go pee at 9:05. Come on Santa! Can't you just hold it for just 10 more minutes??? I saw his Santa suit and could tell this was not going to be a quick trip to the bathroom. We stood there debating whether we should stay or head over to the train. We decided to stay. Finally he finished his potty break and on his way back he dawdled and talked to kids in line. Come on Santa!!! We are in a hurry!!! I told my kids to shout to him what they wanted in case we didn't make it to his lap. Of course they didn't and we continued to wait in line. Everyone in front of us seemed to take their merry 'ole time talking to him. I even asked the lady in front of me if they would kindly let us go ahead of them, but when she took a look at all of our kids, she said. "No. Sorry." Finally at 9:25 we made it to his lap. I told the kids to hurry. I snapped this picture:
Then we booked it over to the train station. I ran with Emily while holding Rachel, David pushed the double stroller with Wendy in it, my sister ran holding Sarah, and Bradley ran while pushing Jason in the umbrella stroller. We made it in the nick of time. I had forgotten that my watch was 2 minutes fast.The conductor didn't look too happy that we arrived last minute, but it all worked out and we got to see Santa and ride the train. It was a lot of fun. It got the adrenaline going.
Wednesday - Christmas Eve
5:30 AM - Our great idea of putting a Christmas tree on a sturdy black table, turned out to be not such a great idea. My sister was sleeping in the room that the tree was in and witnessed the event half asleep. I heard a soft voice at my bedroom door say, "Melinda, your tree just fell." I don't think my sister's voice represented how her heart felt at the moment. I am disappointed in myself that I didn't get a picture of the lifeless tree lying on the floor of the family room still in its stand securely bungeed strapped to the black table. I couldn't find my camera at the moment and I was worried about the gallon of rusty, dirty water that was surely soaking my carpet. I was also worried about my favorite chocolate chip cookie ornament that my grandmother gave us a few years ago. But these pictures I did get:
All the adults in the house worked hard to get the tree back upright, unwrap and dry the soaked presents. Luckily only 3 ornaments broke. My chocolate chip cookie ornament survived. We got rid of the table and now have a squatty tree and we have revealed to the neighbors that we have been deceiving them the past three weeks. I still don't know what caused it to fall. I have my theories, but whatever, it's fixed and all is well. We finished the ordeal at sunrise and went back to bed. I'm just glad it didn't happen Christmas morning.
Later that day David and I got to wrap about 20 presents all over again. Yippeee!!! Later that day we also got to redecorate the Christmas tree. I've always wanted to trim a tree on Christmas Eve.
We opened presents from each other. Pictures coming soon...
Thursday - Christmas Day
I think I'll write about that tomorrow. All of this reliving the past is making me tired.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
"That's right, Bradley." Then I realized my son has never seen snow before.
Then he asked, "But, Mommy, what's a blue Christmas?"
He's also still trying to figure out why people get a Santa metal feeling when they hear voices singing. "Let's be jolly; deck the halls with balls of holly."
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's Crunch Time
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Jingle Bells
Christmas decoration of the day:
I love my candles in the windows. I began the tradition a few years ago. I went on a hunt to find electric candles and found some at AC Moore. At the time they weren't selling them at Walmart or Target. I was super happy. We live on a corner so we have two sides of a house to cover which includes 11 candles. I put them on timers so I wouldn't have to unplug them all each night. The past couple of years I've bought some spares on clearance after Christmas so this year I gave my next door neighbor the pleasure of looking at some on that side of the house.
However, this has happened 4 too many times this season as a result of curious hands and clumsiness. So now I'm out of spare bulbs.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Talent show rehearsals.
He dramatically throws himself to the ground in frustration. I enter the room to help mediate.
Me: Bradley, don't get so angry. Sarah, sometimes when people sing while you're playing the piano it can be distracting.
She understands and obeys. Bradley resumes. Emily begins singing while sitting on the toilet in the nearby bathroom. Sarah predicts that Bradley will get angry and walks toward the bathroom.
Sarah: Emily, you shouldn't sing while somebody is playing the com-piano because it can be distracting.
Me: Sarah, when are you going to start calling it a piano?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Santa's SWEETshop
But I couldn't resist. I'm a sucker at Christmastime.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I was going to post a Christmas decoration picture, but Blogger is not cooperating and letting me upload photos. So here's a little story.
Last year I began a tradition that the kids make each other their Christmas gifts. Each kid draws a name and they make a gift for that person. Emily and Bradley have been staying up later than usual this past week because Emily's been making Wendy's gift and Bradley has been observing (photos will be posted after Christmas because my kids read my blog.) I could tell Bradley was exhausted but Emily was going full steam ahead creating her clothespin dolls (I can write about the presents because Wendy can't read.) I decided to keep some conversation going and I asked, "So how many kids do you want to have when you grow up?"
Bradley was a bit dazed at 10:30 PM and with his chin resting on the back of the kitchen chair he replies with glazed eyes, "Twenty-three."
I told him that was a good number. "How about you, Emily?"
"Only three?"
"Yes. It's hard work!"
Uh oh. Maybe the Christmas card factory was little too much. Or maybe she is beginning to notice the neverending laundry, dishes, messy floors, and damage that can sometimes cause acute cases of rage in her mother. But you gotta admit, Emily, it's fun hard work! Right?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This was the Christmas decoration of the day...
Running towards me with a red Christmas ornanment.
Jason: Mommy, BALL!
Me: Jason, that's not a ball.
Amazingly it took 10 days for Jason to break an ornament. It wasn't really going to be my Christmas decoration of the day. It was just a boring plain red ornament.
We sang Christmas carols on the way home from the grocery store tonight. Why is it that nobody can ever remember how to sing Frosty the Snowman correctly?

Friday, December 12, 2008
Santa's Sweatshop
Today we finished the Christmas cards. My little elves made my cards this year. It was a combined geometry class and Christmas art activity. I cut out circles, triangles and squares from scrapbook paper and the kids glued them on cardstock to make snowmen, Christmas trees and presents. Then they adorned the cards using black rollerball pen to make the geometric shapes come to life. I spared myself the hassle of glitter, even though I'm sure the kids would've loved to experiment with it. Inside they glued a label that says "Merry Christmas!" and I signed it. They signed their names on the back. We made 50. It took about 4 days to finish them, but they had a good time. Even Jason made one. He glue sticked 3 triangles and pasted them correctly all by himself. Now they are on the way to homes of family and friends along with a photo and letter. The cards were randomly selected to go to the recipients. So if you get an ugly one, don't think that the quality of the card reflects the quality of our friendship. I have 2 extras right here by my computer. If you would like one, contact me. The first two contacts will be the lucky recipients. I might be able to get the elves to make a few more, but I might have to pay them overtime in M&M's.
Today's featured decoration:
This is my Christmas card holder. I don't know if you can tell, but it's metal and is shaped like a pocket to put Christmas cards in. Notice that it's empty. I've received one card so far this season. Actually two, but I don't count the one from our realtor because it's 1/2 solicitation. So I hope people are still sending them despite the economy and stamp price increase this year. Surely I'm worth $0.42 to send me some of your love. Let's not let the tradition die!
Jason update: Amazingly Jason slept past 8 AM this morning. Hallelujah! But ... he can still get out of his crib.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas in July
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I'm beat, but I'm going to be rich.
This lack of sleep has not affected my ability to think though. I've come up with a great new product for parents that can be sold at Babies 'R Us. So what do you think of baby crib barbed wire? I don't believe it's on the market yet because I Googled it and nothing came up. I think it would sell really well. I'm thinking $10.99 per package. I'm a little busy now, so I think I'll start on a prototype in 2009. When it finally gets accepted for retail, the product could come with a free trial sized Mederma. The premium version will be electrified and that will sell for $19.99. I love my idea. Which one would you buy?
I'm going to get rich. You watch!
Now meet our bear family:
My sister likes to give us bears for Christmas in the years that we have babies which has been every year of our marriage except for 2003 and 2007. We have a Mama, a Papa and 5 babies. I'm expecting another one this year. 4 of the baby bears have the year we received them written on their paw. The kids love to get them out every year and find the year that they were born. Bradley is disappointed that his 2002 bear is a girl. And Sarah's disappointed that her bear doesn't have a year and is wearing pants. Picky! Picky! But I think I might have to complain too about Mama bear having a stain on her cheek, probably the result of infant spit up in Christmas past.
I thought I might introduce you to my Christmas decorations in the upcoming days. I love looking at them and thought you might too. I love Christmas!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Terrible Twos and Creepy Elves
I usually keep the elf in the Christmas box and don't unveil him because I can't decide if he is cute or not. But this year, one of the kids brought him out and he somehow stayed. I've had him since 2001. I was eating at a Cracker Barrel in Massachusetts with Emily, my parents and sister when this old man brought him over to our table to give to Emily when she was 9 months old. It was after Christmas and I think he bought it at 50% off in the restaurant gift shop. It was a kind gesture. I know. I just thought it was a strange thing to pick out. But I'm not sure which is worse the strange elf or the bald snowman who looks like he got caught and is getting arrested for kidnapping a little girl and taking her on a train to the North Pole. I made the snowman the first Christmas my husband and I were married. I never got around to finishing the hat which is probably why he looks so lifeless.
It's like you want to hate them, but you just can't do it. I love you, Jason! And I love you too, little Christmas elf!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Christmas Devotional
I truly love Christmas time! I love the Church! I love that I know I have a Savior who was born of humble birth and who lived, died, was resurrected. The Savior lives and he loves us. I love Him. I hope to do my part this Christmas season and all year long by serving Him through my service to others. These are some of those "others":
Saturday, December 06, 2008
A Christmas Tradition
Thursday, December 04, 2008
White or multi-colored?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Christmas tree decorating
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
We settled for a bargain priced 6-7 footer that was missing it's top. Most 6-7 foot trees were priced between $65-75. The one we picked was $50. I had no idea tree tops were so valuable!
We came home and Rachel slept through her first bringing-the-Christmas-tree-into-the-house experience.
Jason decided he no longer wanted to wear his Mr. Green warm outfit and insisted on changing into the clothes he had been wearing before we left to go buy a tree.
We normally like to get a taller tree, but since we were never able to keep ornaments on the bottom two feet of the tree last year, we opted to put our tree on a table this year and save our selves about $40. I bought that table at Goodwill last year and it's been kind of a nuissance ever since. I'm glad to know that it's finally being put to good use. From the window the tree looks normal. We are such deceptive neighbors!
Although the tree is considred topless, it actually still has a nice little stub for the star. Sarah received the privelage of placing it.
The girls cut off the netting.
I put the lights on tonight and the kids and I are going to place the ornaments tomorrow. I'll post a picture then. I love Christmas time. It's such a magical and fun time for the children. Tonight as we drove down our street, the kids saw the garland and lights on our porch railing and they broke out in applause and "woo hoos."
Monday, December 01, 2008
December 1st begins the chaos.
My kids are always begging me to do crafts with them. I usually find some lousy excuse why we don't have time to get out all the paper, glue and scissors. But today, I decided to be crafty and have my kids make our family Christmas cards. I bought 3 different sets of real cards last year on clearance, but for some reason I don't feel like using them this year. We had been crafting for about 15 minutes, when Emily says, "I want to watch a movie."
Are you kidding me?
Anyway, I let them watch Barbie and the Nutcracker and I continued to craft all by myself in the playroom. I'll see if they want to help me some more tomorrow.