Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 5 - May 29 Part 2

After the cemetery we drove to the church.  It's a very old Lutheran church that most of the ancestors on my mother's side attended.  It's the church where my mother attended school in kindergarten through 8th grade.

The Christus in the background has a very familiar feel.

The congregational part of the church.  There were more people than none at the service.  I had the opportunity to speak at the service.  It was nice to be able to talk about my mom.  I'll have to write some of the things I said in another post.  I will tell you this though (and I did say this)  ... my mom lived 63 years without ever pumping a single tank of gasoline.  My dad was good to my mom.  

After the service, my mom's cousin threw a party at his house.  Everyone in attendance at the service was invited.  He has a pool that kids enjoyed.  We ate hot dogs and hamburgers and had fun talking with each other.

Some family members held George.  When they eventually passed him back to me, he had formula crusted all over his face from the bottle he drank at the church.  I can't believe people were holding him looking so disgusting.  I was so embarrassed.

The pool and Jason going down the slide.  Thankfully I forgot my bathing suit and my cousin played lifeguard.

Brownies and wedgies for dessert.

It was a great day.  It wasn't an event I really wanted to be celebrating at the moment, but I'm sure my mom would've been pleased we had a party.  She liked parties and family social gatherings.  I wish she could've been there.  

1 comment:

  1. I could only hope to be remembered so fondly, lovingly, and happily by my daughter. She was a wonderful mom and you are, too.
