Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wow! Has it been 12 days?

I'm a slacker.  Bad Blogger. Twelve days of not blogging is shameful.

Tonight I'm watching That Funny Feeling.

I'm getting my school calendar ready for the school year. We're starting after Labor Day.

Both our AC units need to be replaced. I'm not happy at all about it. It's going to cost $12,500. I've cried tears over it. They are still running (barely), but both are leaking Freon and the cost to repair the leaks is too much to make it worth it on 14 year old systems.

I just ate a Mint Chocolate Chip Klondike Bar. Ice cream can always soothe stress.

Now back to my calendar......Sorry I'm so boring.

But pictures are rarely boring:


Jason took apart the See and Say because, "Mommy, I just wanted to see what was inside." This picture shows it right after I gathered all the parts that were scattered all over the Family Room floor. Daddy was successful at putting it back together. I knew I married him for a reason.

 Rachel giving George a ride on the upside-down stool.

 Rachel sad that I poked fun at her choice of hair accessories before church. ( I wore that silver hair comb to my prom.)

I didn't dare laugh at her shoes on the wrong feet. I just took a picture.

1 comment:

  1. I would boo-hoo about the a/c thing too!! Our a/c went out twice this summer already, and we bought this new house only a year ago! Makes me nervous for next year.
