Monday, September 20, 2010

Worst Fake Smile Ever

On Saturday we did 3 things:

1.  We went to the Chumash Indian Museum.  We picked a good day because they were having a Pow Wow, however, the incense smelled so bad we didn't stick around for the cultural enrichment.  We took a small hike to the Indian Village instead.  They were totally strict with their $10/family (limit 5) rule.  My sister and I brought the 4 oldest and they made me pay an extra $3 for a kid.  I guess the Chumash try to profit off of big families.

A Chumash house.

2.  We went to Paramount Ranch.  It's an old Wild West movie set used in many old movies and the TV show Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.  The kids loved it.  They played Sheriff and Robbers.

3.  We went to Borchard Park.  They had a brand new Labrynth that we check out.

If you walked the path of the Labrynth, you would walk 1/2 mile.  It was kind of cool.  This was posted on a sign by it:
"The Labrynth is a metaphor for life.  We are all on a path.  We encounter twists and turns, but ultimately arrive at our center. We gain insight and take this back to our world.  When walking the labrynth notice what you learn about your life."
I didn't learn a whole lot about my life.

Sarah jumping of the swing.  The first time she did it, she face planted into the sand.  It was awesome.

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